Mar 16, 2018
The Cross That Unites And Divides
Sermon by Sam Jacob, March 11, 2018
Text: John 3:14-21
Regardless of our income, or our marital status, or whether we have our life all put together, or whether our life is falling apart, at the foot of the Cross, we are all equal. The Cross of Christ unites us all.
And what must we do to gain this equality with each other? Nothing! It is all due to the life, death and resurrection of One Person: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our living Lord, Savior and Hero!
For those who believe it, the Cross is a constant reminder that God loves them, unconditionally, unendingly.
Our text today includes an uncomfortable, difficult and sorrowful truth; a truth that divides us...a reminder that disbelief and rejection of the Cross of Christ brings condemnation.
How does this text affect you, wherever you are, whatever you're facing?
How does this text shape our Christian community? How does it affect our mission?
Welcome to the podcast of Trademark Church. We are a family on mission, sent by God to serve our world and continually learn how to walk in his ways. Join us in this Sunday's service as we look to the Scriptures, seeking to be transformed by the love of Christ.
Our mission is simple:
Connecting the Gospel to people, people to community, and community to mission.
We pray that God will use this podcast to strengthen your faith and pull you into deeper obedience and reliance upon him. If you're interested in hearing other sermons, learning about Gospel communities, or any other information about the church, please visit our website: