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We are a gospel-centered community on mission to love God, to love each other, and to love our city.

Feb 22, 2018

Lent: 40 Days of Preparation and Perseverance

Mark 1:9-15

Sermon by Josh Hibbard, February 18, 2018


The Christian season of Lent traditionally involves four basic elements:

- Baptism
- Fasting
- Prayer (and Scripture reading)
- Repentence

Together these four elements provide 40 days of intentional preparation...40...

Feb 16, 2018

Listening to the Blind

2 Corinthians 4:3-6

Sermon by Josh Gilbert, Sunday, February 11, 2018


Today we are looking at a part of the Bible that talks about Christians being sent by God to be his ambassadors as witnesses of Jesus . Christians who know that they are sent by God desire to see others as Jesus sees...

Feb 1, 2018

Connecting Community to Mission

Sermon by Josh Gilbert, January 28, 2018


What does it look like to "live in community"? Does the love of God control you? Or are you controlled by the culture around you? Today's message reminds us that the love of God will completely change how a Christian sees their life. The love...

Feb 1, 2018

Connecting People to Community

Sermon by Josh Gilbert for January 21 2018

What is your mission? If you are a member of Trademark Church, your mission is this:

Connecting the gospel to community, people to community, and community to gospel.

Today's message captures three different views of...